$80.00 USD

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Restoring the Body to Wholeness 2

Online Course Contents:

Class 9 - Cautions and Pointers When Ministering to Others.

Class 10 - Don't Respond to the Demons, Respond to the person. Cast out demons.

Class 11 - Who to minister to and when, who not to and why.

Class 12 - Technology and Social media.

Class 13 - The process of ministry - Before ministry begins.

Class 14 - The process of ministry - during ministry.

Class 15 - Different types of ministry situations and what to consider.

Addendum - Possible Demonic Categories with an Introduction to Advanced Demonic Recognition and Understanding Manifestations.

Addendum - Casting Out Demons.

What People Are Saying:

I met Tzofiya through the Tikkun network and learned of her Monday night equipping classes. I had been looking for reputable and trustworthy people who operated in prophetic and deliverance ministries who could teach me about the gift of prophecy and deliverance ministry. Tzofiya’s teachings and prophetic words helped to activate and launch me into operating significantly more in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for everyday life and ministry. Life will never be the same now that I have a biblically-based foundation for deliverance, operate in deliverance ministry, learned how to evaluate and deliver prophetic words according to Biblical principles, and have a closer relationship with God through inner healing and a renewed mind by the transformative power of the Holy Spirit!

Maria M